FAQs › How do I navigate the platform?

Select a format to view.
The Navigation bar at the top of the page contains the following links.
  1. Assignments: View and edit any assignments you have created.
  2. Reports: View grades via the Class Report or Student Report.
  3. Manage: View Class Code (for student registration) and roster; update your profile.
  4. Help: View technical support information.
  5. Profile Settings: Update your profile (name, email, username, and password).
  6. Logout: Logs you out of the platform.
The Home page includes the following components.
  1. My Assessments: Brief summary of assignments including submission data and progress information.
  2. Requires Scoring: Filter the assignments to view only what you need to grade.
  3. My Bookshelf: Stores all of the content available to you.
  4. Class Progress: Visual indicator of your class and student averages.

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